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CloudServersProvider Methods

The CloudServersProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodAttachServerVolume
Attaches a volume to the specified server.
Public methodChangeAdministratorPassword
Changes the administrator password for a specified server.
Public methodConfirmServerResize
Confirms a completed asynchronous server resize action.
Public methodCreateImage
Creates a new snapshot image for a specified server at its current state.
Public methodCreateServer
Creates a new server.
Public methodCreateVirtualInterface
Creates a virtual interface for the specified network and attaches the network to the specified server.
Public methodDeleteImage
Deletes the specified image.
Public methodDeleteImageMetadataItem
Deletes the specified metadata item from the image.
Public methodDeleteServer
Marks a server for asynchronous deletion.
Public methodDeleteServerMetadataItem
Deletes the specified metadata item from the server.
Public methodDeleteVirtualInterface
Deletes the specified virtual interface from the specified server.
Public methodDetachServerVolume
Detaches the specified volume from the specified server.
Public methodGetDetails
Gets the detailed information for a specific server.
Public methodGetFlavor
Gets details for the specified flavor.
Public methodGetImage
Gets detailed information for the specified image.
Public methodGetImageMetadataItem
Gets the specified metadata item.
Public methodGetServerMetadataItem
Gets the specified metadata item.
Public methodGetServerVolumeDetails
Gets detailed information about the specified server-attached volume.
Public methodListAddresses
Lists all networks and server addresses associated with a specified server.
Public methodListAddressesByNetwork
Lists addresses associated with a specified server and network.
Public methodListFlavors
Lists basic information for all available flavors.
Public methodListFlavorsWithDetails
Lists full details for all available flavors.
Public methodListImageMetadata
Gets the metadata associated with the specified image.
Public methodListImages
Lists basic information for all available images.
Public methodListImagesWithDetails
Lists detailed information for all available images.
Public methodListServerMetadata
Gets the metadata associated with the specified server.
Public methodListServers
Returns a list of basic information for servers in the account.
Public methodListServersWithDetails
Returns a list of detailed information servers for servers in the account.
Public methodListServerVolumes
Lists the volume attachments for the specified server.
Public methodListVirtualInterfaces
Lists the virtual interfaces for the specified server.
Public methodRebootServer
Initiates an asynchronous reboot operation on the specified server.
Public methodRebuildServer
Initiates an asynchronous rebuild of the specified server.
Public methodRescueServer
Places a server in rescue mode.
Public methodResizeServer
Initiates an asynchronous resize of the specified server. A server resize is performed by specifying a new Flavor for the server.
Public methodRevertServerResize
Cancels and reverts a server resize action.
Public methodSetImageMetadata
Sets the metadata associated with the specified image, replacing any existing metadata.
Public methodSetImageMetadataItem
Sets the value for the specified metadata item. If the key already exists, it is updated; otherwise, a new metadata item is added.
Public methodSetServerMetadata
Sets the metadata associated with the specified server, replacing any existing metadata.
Public methodSetServerMetadataItem
Sets the value for the specified metadata item. If the key already exists, it is updated; otherwise, a new metadata item is added.
Public methodUnRescueServer
Takes a server out of rescue mode.
Public methodUpdateImageMetadata
Updates the metadata for the specified image.
Public methodUpdateServer
Updates the editable attributes for the specified server.
Public methodUpdateServerMetadata
Updates the metadata for the specified server.
Public methodWaitForImageActive
Waits for the image to enter the Active state.
Public methodWaitForImageDeleted
Waits for the image to enter the Deleted state or to be removed.
Public methodWaitForImageState(String, ImageState, ImageState, Int32, NullableTimeSpan, ActionInt32, String, CloudIdentity)
Waits for the image to enter a specified state.
Public methodWaitForImageState(String, ImageState, ImageState, Int32, NullableTimeSpan, ActionInt32, String, CloudIdentity)
Waits for the image to enter any one of a set of specified states.
Public methodWaitForServerActive
Waits for the server to enter the Active state.
Public methodWaitForServerDeleted
Waits for the server to enter the Deleted state or to be removed.
Public methodWaitForServerState(String, ServerState, ServerState, Int32, NullableTimeSpan, ActionInt32, String, CloudIdentity)
Waits for the server to enter a specified state.
Public methodWaitForServerState(String, ServerState, ServerState, Int32, NullableTimeSpan, ActionInt32, String, CloudIdentity)
Waits for the server to enter any one of a set of specified states.
See Also