CloudServersProvider Methods |
The CloudServersProvider type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AttachServerVolume |
Attaches a volume to the specified server.
| |
ChangeAdministratorPassword |
Changes the administrator password for a specified server.
| |
ConfirmServerResize |
Confirms a completed asynchronous server resize action.
| |
CreateImage |
Creates a new snapshot image for a specified server at its current state.
| |
CreateServer |
Creates a new server.
| |
CreateVirtualInterface |
Creates a virtual interface for the specified network and attaches the network to the specified server.
| |
DeleteImage |
Deletes the specified image.
| |
DeleteImageMetadataItem |
Deletes the specified metadata item from the image.
| |
DeleteServer |
Marks a server for asynchronous deletion.
| |
DeleteServerMetadataItem |
Deletes the specified metadata item from the server.
| |
DeleteVirtualInterface |
Deletes the specified virtual interface from the specified server.
| |
DetachServerVolume |
Detaches the specified volume from the specified server.
| |
GetDetails |
Gets the detailed information for a specific server.
| |
GetFlavor |
Gets details for the specified flavor.
| |
GetImage |
Gets detailed information for the specified image.
| |
GetImageMetadataItem |
Gets the specified metadata item.
| |
GetServerMetadataItem |
Gets the specified metadata item.
| |
GetServerVolumeDetails |
Gets detailed information about the specified server-attached volume.
| |
ListAddresses |
Lists all networks and server addresses associated with a specified server.
| |
ListAddressesByNetwork |
Lists addresses associated with a specified server and network.
| |
ListFlavors |
Lists basic information for all available flavors.
| |
ListFlavorsWithDetails |
Lists full details for all available flavors.
| |
ListImageMetadata |
Gets the metadata associated with the specified image.
| |
ListImages |
Lists basic information for all available images.
| |
ListImagesWithDetails |
Lists detailed information for all available images.
| |
ListServerMetadata |
Gets the metadata associated with the specified server.
| |
ListServers |
Returns a list of basic information for servers in the account.
| |
ListServersWithDetails |
Returns a list of detailed information servers for servers in the account.
| |
ListServerVolumes |
Lists the volume attachments for the specified server.
| |
ListVirtualInterfaces |
Lists the virtual interfaces for the specified server.
| |
RebootServer |
Initiates an asynchronous reboot operation on the specified server.
| |
RebuildServer |
Initiates an asynchronous rebuild of the specified server.
| |
RescueServer |
Places a server in rescue mode.
| |
ResizeServer |
Initiates an asynchronous resize of the specified server. A server resize is performed by
specifying a new Flavor for the server.
| |
RevertServerResize |
Cancels and reverts a server resize action.
| |
SetImageMetadata |
Sets the metadata associated with the specified image, replacing any existing metadata.
| |
SetImageMetadataItem |
Sets the value for the specified metadata item. If the key already exists, it is updated; otherwise, a new metadata item is added.
| |
SetServerMetadata |
Sets the metadata associated with the specified server, replacing any existing metadata.
| |
SetServerMetadataItem |
Sets the value for the specified metadata item. If the key already exists, it is updated; otherwise, a new metadata item is added.
| |
UnRescueServer |
Takes a server out of rescue mode.
| |
UpdateImageMetadata |
Updates the metadata for the specified image.
| |
UpdateServer |
Updates the editable attributes for the specified server.
| |
UpdateServerMetadata |
Updates the metadata for the specified server.
| |
WaitForImageActive |
Waits for the image to enter the Active state.
| |
WaitForImageDeleted |
Waits for the image to enter the Deleted state or to be removed.
| |
WaitForImageState(String, ImageState, ImageState, Int32, NullableTimeSpan, ActionInt32, String, CloudIdentity) |
Waits for the image to enter a specified state.
| |
WaitForImageState(String, ImageState, ImageState, Int32, NullableTimeSpan, ActionInt32, String, CloudIdentity) |
Waits for the image to enter any one of a set of specified states.
| |
WaitForServerActive |
Waits for the server to enter the Active state.
| |
WaitForServerDeleted |
Waits for the server to enter the Deleted state or to be removed.
| |
WaitForServerState(String, ServerState, ServerState, Int32, NullableTimeSpan, ActionInt32, String, CloudIdentity) |
Waits for the server to enter a specified state.
| |
WaitForServerState(String, ServerState, ServerState, Int32, NullableTimeSpan, ActionInt32, String, CloudIdentity) |
Waits for the server to enter any one of a set of specified states.