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LoadBalancingAlgorithm Properties
This API is preliminary and subject to change.

The LoadBalancingAlgorithm type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberLeastConnections
Gets a LoadBalancingAlgorithm where the node with the lowest number of connections will receive requests.
Public propertyName
Gets the canonical name of this member.
(Inherited from ExtensibleEnumT.)
Public propertyStatic memberRandom
Gets a LoadBalancingAlgorithm where back-end servers are selected at random.
Public propertyStatic memberRoundRobin
Gets a LoadBalancingAlgorithm where connections are routed to each of the back-end servers in turn.
Public propertyStatic memberWeightedLeastConnections
Gets a LoadBalancingAlgorithm where each request will be assigned to a node based on the number of concurrent connections to the node and its weight.
Public propertyStatic memberWeightedRoundRobin
Gets a LoadBalancingAlgorithm similar to RoundRobin, but with different proportions of traffic being directed to the back-end nodes. Weights must be defined as part of the load balancer's node configuration.
See Also