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LoadBalancerUsage Properties
This API is preliminary and subject to change.

The LoadBalancerUsage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAverageConnections
Gets the average number of connections open to the load balancer between StartTime and EndTime.
Public propertyAverageConnectionsSsl
Gets the average number of secure connections open to the load balancer between StartTime and EndTime.
Public propertyEndTime
Gets the ending timestamp for this load balancer usage record.
Public propertyEventType
Gets what?
Public propertyExtensionData
Gets a map of object properties which did not map to another field or property during JSON deserialization. The keys of the map represent the property names, and the values are JToken instances containing the parsed JSON values.
(Inherited from ExtensibleJsonObject.)
Public propertyId
Gets the unique ID for this usage record.
Public propertyIncomingTransfer
Gets the number of incoming bytes transferred.
Public propertyIncomingTransferSsl
Gets the number of incoming bytes transferred over secure connections.
Public propertyOutgoingTransfer
Gets the number of outgoing bytes transferred.
Public propertyOutgoingTransferSsl
Gets the number of outgoing bytes transferred over secure connections.
Public propertyPollCount
Gets what?
Public propertySslMode
Gets the SSL mode for the load balancer between StartTime and EndTime.
Public propertyStartTime
Gets the starting timestamp for this load balancer usage record.
Public propertyVirtualAddressCount
Gets the number of virtual addresses assigned to the load balancer between StartTime and EndTime.
Public propertyVirtualAddressType
Gets the virtual address type for the load balancer between StartTime and EndTime.
See Also