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LoadBalancer Properties
This API is preliminary and subject to change.

The LoadBalancer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccessList
Gets a collection of NetworkItem objects describing the access list for the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyAlgorithm
Gets the load balancing algorithm used for distributing data between back-end nodes.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyCluster
Gets the cluster the load balancer is located within.
Public propertyConnectionLogging
Gets a value indicating whether or not connection logging is enabled for the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyConnectionThrottles
Gets the connection throttling configuration for the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyContentCaching
Gets a value indicating whether or not content caching is enabled for the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyCreated
Gets the timestamp when the load balancer was created.
Public propertyExtensionData
Gets a map of object properties which did not map to another field or property during JSON deserialization. The keys of the map represent the property names, and the values are JToken instances containing the parsed JSON values.
(Inherited from ExtensibleJsonObject.)
Public propertyHalfClosed
Gets a value indicating whether or not half-closed support is enabled for the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyHealthMonitor
Gets the health monitor configured for the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyId
Gets unique ID representing this load balancer within the load balancers service.
Public propertyMetadata
Gets a collection of LoadBalancerMetadataItem objects describing the metadata associated with the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyNodeCount
Gets the total number of nodes in the load balancer.
Public propertyNodes
Gets a collection of TNodeConfiguration objects describing the nodes associated with the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyPort
Gets the port number the load balancer will listen for connections on.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyProtocolName
Gets the name of the load balanced protocol.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertySessionPersistence
Gets the session persistence configuration for the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertySourceAddresses
Gets the source addresses for the load balancer. The keys of this dictionary are the names of the source network, and the values are an IP address or IP address range (in CIDR notation) of the addresses available to the load balancer on that network.
Public propertyStatus
Gets the status of the load balancer.
Public propertyTimeout
Gets the timeout value for the load balancer and communications with its nodes.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
Public propertyUpdated
Gets the timestamp when the load balancer was last updated.
Public propertyVirtualAddresses
Gets a collection of LoadBalancerVirtualAddress objects describing the virtual addresses associated with the load balancer.
(Inherited from LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration.)
See Also