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ConnectionThrottles Properties
This API is preliminary and subject to change.

The ConnectionThrottles type exposes the following members.

Public propertyExtensionData
Gets a map of object properties which did not map to another field or property during JSON deserialization. The keys of the map represent the property names, and the values are JToken instances containing the parsed JSON values.
(Inherited from ExtensibleJsonObject.)
Public propertyMaxConnectionRate
Gets the maximum number of connections allowed from a single IP address in the defined RateInterval. A value of 0 indicates an unlimited connection rate. A value of indicates this connection limit is not configured.
Public propertyMaxConnections
Gets the maximum number of connections allowed for a single IP address. A value of 0 indicates an unlimited number of connections. A value of indicates this connection limit is not configured.
Public propertyMinConnections
Gets the minimum number of connections to allow from an IP address before applying throttling restrictions. A value of indicates this connection limit is not configured.
Public propertyRateInterval
Gets the time period for which MaxConnectionRate is evaluated. For example, a MaxConnectionRate of 30 with a RateInterval of 60 seconds would allow a maximum of 30 connections per minute from a single IP address. A value of indicates this connection limit is not configured.
See Also