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IdentityToken Properties

The IdentityToken type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthenticationTypes
Gets a Collection of AuthenticationType objects representing the ways the user has authenticated.
Public propertyExpires
Gets the token expiration time in the format originally returned by the authentication response.
Public propertyExtensionData
Gets a map of object properties which did not map to another field or property during JSON deserialization. The keys of the map represent the property names, and the values are JToken instances containing the parsed JSON values.
(Inherited from ExtensibleJsonObject.)
Public propertyId
Gets the token ID which can be used to make authenticated API calls.
Public propertyIsExpired
Gets whether or not the token has expired. This property simply checks the Expires property against the current system time. If the Expires value is missing or not in a recognized format, the token is assumed to have expired.
Public propertyTenant
Gets a Tenant object containing the name and ID of the tenant (or account) for the authenticated credentials.
See Also