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net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.Monitoring Namespace
The net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.Monitoring namespace defines the object model for communicating with Rackspace's Cloud Monitoring service over REST APIs.
Public classAccountConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of the configurable properties of a monitoring account.
Public classAgent
This class models the JSON representation of a monitoring agent.
Public classAgentConnection
This class models the JSON representation of a monitoring agent connection.
Public classAgentConnectionId
Represents the unique identifier of an agent connection in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAgentId
Represents the unique identifier of an agent in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAgentToken
Agent tokens are used to authenticate monitoring agents to the monitoring service. Multiple agents can share a single token.
Public classAgentTokenConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of the basic properties of an Agent Token resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAgentTokenId
Represents the unique identifier of an agent token in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarm
This class models the JSON representation of an Alarm resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmChangelog
This class models the JSON representation of a Changelog resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmChangelogId
Represents the unique identifier of an alarm changelog in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of the basic properties of an Alarm resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmData
This class models the JSON representation of the data produced by testing a monitoring alarm.
Public classAlarmExample
This class models the JSON representation of an Alarm Example resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmExampleField
This class models the JSON representation of a field in an Alarm Example Criteria template.
Public classAlarmExampleId
Represents the unique identifier of an Alarm Example resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmId
Represents the unique identifier of an Alarm resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmNotificationHistoryItem
This class models the JSON representation of an alarm notification history resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmNotificationHistoryItemId
Represents the unique identifier of an alarm notification history item in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAlarmState
Represents an alarm state in the monitoring service.
Public classAlarmStateHistory
This class models the JSON representation the record of an alarm state change in the entity overview.
Public classAudit
This class models the JSON representation of an Audit resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classAuditId
Represents the unique identifier of an audit in the IMonitoringService.
Public classBoundAlarmExample
This class models the JSON representation of an evaluated alarm example in the IMonitoringService.
Public classCheck
This class represents an check in the IMonitoringService.
Public classCheckConfiguration
This class models the configurable properties of the JSON representation of a Check resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classCheckData
This class models the JSON representation of the data produced by testing a monitoring check.
Public classCheckDataCheckMetric
This class models the JSON representation of metric information collected by a test evaluation of a monitoring check.
Public classCheckDataDebugInformation
This class models the JSON representation of additional check-type-specific debugging information collected during the test evaluation of a monitoring check.
Public classCheckDetails
This is the base class for classes modeling the detailed configuration parameters of various types of checks.
Public classCheckId
Represents the unique identifier of a check in the IMonitoringService.
Public classCheckMetricType
Represents a metric type in the monitoring service.
Public classCheckTarget
This class models the JSON representation of an agent check target in the IMonitoringService.
Public classCheckTargetId
Represents the unique identifier of a check target in the IMonitoringService.
Public classCheckType
Represents the type of a check in the monitoring service.
Public classCheckTypeId
Represents the unique identifier of a item placeholder in the IMonitoringService.
Public classCheckTypeType
Represents the type of a check type in the monitoring service.
Public classConnectionCheckDetails
This class provides a base class for configuring checks that connect to a service on a configurable port.
Public classCpuCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a AgentCpu check.
Public classCpuInformation
This class models the JSON representation of the CPU data reported agents for the Cpus information type.
Public classDataPoint
Public classDataPointGranularity
Represents a data granularity in the monitoring service.
Public classDataPointStatistic
Represents a statistic type in the monitoring service.
Public classDiskCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a AgentDisk check.
Public classDiskInformation
This class models the JSON representation of the disk data reported agents for the Disks information type.
Public classDnsCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteDns check.
Public classEmailNotificationDetails
This class extends NotificationDetails with properties specific to Email notifications.
Public classEntity
This class represents an entity in the IMonitoringService.
Public classEntityConfiguration
This class models the configurable properties of the JSON representation of an Entity resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classEntityId
Represents the unique identifier of an entity in the IMonitoringService.
Public classEntityOverview
This class models the JSON representation of a monitoring entity overview.
Public classFilesystemCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a AgentFilesystem check.
Public classFilesystemInformation
This class models the JSON representation of the filesystem data reported agents for the Filesystems information type.
Public classFtpBannerCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteFtpBanner check.
Public classGenericCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a generic check.
Public classGenericNotificationDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a generic notification.
Public classHostInformationT
This class models the JSON representation of agent host information reported by various API calls in the IMonitoringService.
Public classHostInformationType
Represents a host information type in the monitoring service.
Public classHttpCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteHttp check.
Public classImapBannerCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteImapBanner check.
Public classLoadAverageCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a AgentLoadAverage check.
Public classLoginInformation
This class models the JSON representation of the login data reported agents for the Who information type.
Public classMemoryCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a AgentMemory check.
Public classMemoryInformation
This class models the JSON representation of the disk data reported agents for the Disks information type.
Public classMetric
This class models the JSON representation of a Metric resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classMetricName
Represents the unique identifier of a metric in the IMonitoringService.
Public classMonitoringAccount
This class represents an account in the IMonitoringService.
Public classMonitoringAccountId
Represents the unique identifier of a monitoring account in the IMonitoringService.
Public classMonitoringLimits
This class models the JSON representation of the resource and rate limits applied to the IMonitoringService.
Public classMonitoringLimitsRateLimit
This class models the JSON representation of the details of a rate limit in the IMonitoringService.
Public classMonitoringZone
This class models the JSON representation of a monitoring zone resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classMonitoringZoneId
Represents the unique identifier of a monitoring zone in the IMonitoringService.
Public classMssqlBannerCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteMssqlBanner check.
Public classMysqlBannerCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteMysqlBanner check.
Public classNetworkCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a AgentNetwork check.
Public classNetworkInterfaceInformation
This class models the JSON representation of the network interface data reported agents for the NetworkInterfaces information type.
Public classNewAlarmConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to create a new Alarm resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNewCheckConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to create or test a new Check resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNewEntityConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to create a new Entity resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNewNotificationConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to create or test a new Notification resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNewNotificationPlanConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to create a new NotificationPlan resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotification
This class models the JSON representation of a notification resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotificationAttempt
This class models the JSON representation of the detailed information describing an attempt to send a notification.
Public classNotificationConfiguration
This class models the configurable properties of the JSON representation of a notification resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotificationData
This class models the JSON representation of the results of testing a notification.
Public classNotificationDetails
This is the base class for classes modeling the detailed configuration parameters of various types of notifications.
Public classNotificationId
Represents the unique identifier of a notification in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotificationPlan
This class models the JSON representation of a notification plan resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotificationPlanConfiguration
This class models the configurable properties of the JSON representation of a notification plan resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotificationPlanId
Represents the unique identifier of a notification plan in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotificationResult
This class models the JSON representation of the result of sending a monitoring notification.
Public classNotificationType
This class models the JSON representation of a notification type in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotificationTypeField
This class represents a single field associated with a notification type in the IMonitoringService.
Public classNotificationTypeId
Represents the unique identifier of a notification type in the IMonitoringService.
Public classPagerDutyNotificationDetails
This class extends NotificationDetails with properties specific to PagerDuty notifications.
Public classPingCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemotePing check.
Public classPluginCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a AgentPlugin check.
Public classPop3CheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemotePop3Banner check.
Public classPostgresqlBannerCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemotePostgresqlBanner check.
Public classProcessInformation
This class models the JSON representation of the process data reported agents for the Processes information type.
Public classReadOnlyCollectionPageT, TMarker
This class provides read-only access to a single page of results returned by a paginated API call in the IMonitoringService.
Public classSecureConnectionCheckDetails
This class extends the ConnectionCheckDetails class for check types which may use an SSL secure connection.
Public classSmtpBannerCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteSmtpBanner check.
Public classSmtpCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteSmtp check.
Public classSshCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteSsh check.
Public classSystemInformation
This class models the JSON representation of the system data reported agents for the System information type.
Public classTargetResolverType
Represents a target resolver type in the monitoring service.
Public classTcpCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteTcp check.
Public classTelnetBannerCheckDetails
This class represents the detailed configuration parameters for a RemoteTelnetBanner check.
Public classTestAlarmConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to test an alarm in the IMonitoringService.
Public classTraceRoute
This class models the JSON result of a traceroute operation from a monitoring zone in the IMonitoringService.
Public classTraceRouteConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to perform a traceroute from a monitoring zone in the IMonitoringService.
Public classTraceRouteHop
This class models the JSON representation of a single hop in the result of a traceroute operation in the IMonitoringService.
Public classTransactionId
Represents the unique identifier of a transaction in the IMonitoringService.
Public classUpdateAlarmConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to update the properties of an Alarm resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classUpdateCheckConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to update the properties of a Check resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classUpdateEntityConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to update the properties of an Entity resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classUpdateNotificationConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to update the properties of a Notification resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classUpdateNotificationPlanConfiguration
This class models the JSON representation of a request to update the properties of a NotificationPlan resource in the IMonitoringService.
Public classWebhookNotificationDetails
This class extends NotificationDetails with properties specific to Webhook notifications.
Public classWebhookToken
Represents the unique identifier of a webhook token in the IMonitoringService.