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NetworkingApiBuilder Methods

The NetworkingApiBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodAttachPortToRouterAsync
Attaches an existing port to the specified router.
Public methodAttachSubnetToRouterAsync
Creates a new port on the subnet and attaches it to the specified router.
Public methodBuildAttachPortToRouterRequest
Public methodBuildAttachSubnetToRouterRequest
Public methodBuildCreateFloatingIPRequest
Public methodBuildCreateRouterRequest
Public methodBuildDeleteFloatingIPRequest
Public methodBuildDeleteRouterRequest
Public methodBuildDetachPortFromRouterRequest
Public methodBuildDetachSubnetFromRouterRequest
Public methodBuildGetFloatingIPRequest
Public methodBuildGetRouterRequest
Public methodBuildListFloatingIPsRequest
Public methodBuildListPortsRequest
Public methodBuildListRoutersRequest
Public methodBuildListSecurityGroupRulesRequest
Public methodBuildListSecurityGroupsRequest
Public methodBuildUpdateFloatingIPRequest
Public methodBuildUpdateRouterRequest
Public methodCreateFloatingIPAsyncT
Creates a floating IP.
Public methodCreateNetworkAsync
Creates a network.
Public methodCreateNetworksAsync
Bulk creates multiple networks.
Public methodCreatePortAsync
Creates a port.
Public methodCreatePortsAsync
Bulk creates multiple ports.
Public methodCreateRouterAsyncT
Creates a router.
Public methodCreateSubnetAsync
Creates a subnet.
Public methodCreateSubnetsAsync
Bulk creates multiple subnets.
Public methodDeleteFloatingIPAsync
Deletes a floating IP.
Public methodDeleteNetworkAsync
Deletes the specified network.
Public methodDeletePortAsync
Deletes the specified port.
Public methodDeleteRouterAsync
Deletes a router.
Public methodDeleteSubnetAsync
Deletes the specified subnet.
Public methodDetachPortFromRouterAsync
Detaches a port from the specified router.
Public methodDetachSubnetFromRouterAsync
Finds the port on the subnet attached to the specified router, detaches then deletes it.
Public methodGetFloatingIPAsyncT
Shows details for a server group.
Public methodGetNetworkAsync
Gets the specified network.
Public methodGetPortAsync
Gets the specified port.
Public methodGetRouterAsyncT
Shows details for a server group.
Public methodGetSubnetAsync
Gets the specified subnet.
Public methodListFloatingIPsAsyncT
Lists all floating IPs for the account.
Public methodListNetworksAsync
Lists all networks associated with the account.
Public methodListPortsAsyncT
Lists all ports associated with the account.
Public methodListRoutersAsyncT
Lists all routers for the account.
Public methodListSecurityGroupRulesAsyncT
Lists all network security group rules associated with the account.
Public methodListSecurityGroupsAsyncT
Lists all network security groups associated with the account.
Public methodListSubnetsAsync
Lists all subnets associated with the account.
Public methodUpdateFloatingIPAsyncT
Updates a floating IP.
Public methodUpdateNetworkAsync
Updates the specified network.
Public methodUpdatePortAsync
Updates the specified port.
Public methodUpdateRouterAsyncT
Updates a router.
Public methodUpdateSubnetAsync
Updates the specified subnet.
See Also