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LoadBalancerConfigurationTNodeConfiguration Constructor
This API is preliminary and subject to change.

Namespace: net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.LoadBalancers
Assembly: openstacknet (in openstacknet.dll) Version: 1.7.7+Branch.master.Sha.25d803f397c8693c2c13777ef6675f796f520f2c
public LoadBalancerConfiguration(
	string name,
	LoadBalancingProtocol protocol,
	IEnumerable<LoadBalancerVirtualAddress> virtualAddresses,
	IEnumerable<TNodeConfiguration> nodes = null,
	Nullable<bool> halfClosed = null,
	IEnumerable<NetworkItem> accessList = null,
	LoadBalancingAlgorithm algorithm = null,
	Nullable<bool> connectionLogging = null,
	Nullable<bool> contentCaching = null,
	ConnectionThrottles connectionThrottle = null,
	HealthMonitor healthMonitor = null,
	IEnumerable<LoadBalancerMetadataItem> metadata = null,
	Nullable<TimeSpan> timeout = null,
	SessionPersistence sessionPersistence = null


Type: SystemString
The name of the load balancer.
Type: net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.LoadBalancersLoadBalancingProtocol
The load balancing protocol to use for this load balancer.
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableLoadBalancerVirtualAddress
A collection of LoadBalancerVirtualAddress objects describing the virtual addresses to assign to the load balancer.
nodes (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableTNodeConfiguration
A collection of TNodeConfiguration objects describing the nodes in the load balancer. If this value is , the load balancer will be created without any nodes.
halfClosed (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
to enable half-closed support for the load balancer; otherwise, . Half-Closed support provides the ability for one end of the connection to terminate its output, while still receiving data from the other end. Only applies to TCP/TCP_CLIENT_FIRST protocols.
accessList (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableNetworkItem
A collection of NetworkItem objects describing the access list for the load balancer. If this value is , the load balancer will be created without an access list configured.
algorithm (Optional)
Type: net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.LoadBalancersLoadBalancingAlgorithm
The load balancing algorithm that defines how traffic should be directed between back-end nodes. If this value is , a provider-specific default algorithm will be used.
connectionLogging (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
to enable connection logging; otherwise, . If this value is , a provider-specific default value will be used.
contentCaching (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
to enable content caching; otherwise, . If this value is , a provider-specific default value will be used.
connectionThrottle (Optional)
Type: net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.LoadBalancersConnectionThrottles
A ConnectionThrottles object defining the connection throttling configuration for the load balancer. If this value is , a provider-specific default value will be used.
healthMonitor (Optional)
Type: net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.LoadBalancersHealthMonitor
A HealthMonitor object defining the health monitor to configure for the load balancer. If this value is , the load balancer will be created with no health monitor configured.
metadata (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableLoadBalancerMetadataItem
A collection of LoadBalancerMetadataItem objects defining the initial metadata for the load balancer. If this value is , the load balancer will be created without any initial custom metadata.
timeout (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableTimeSpan
The timeout value for the load balancer and communications with its nodes. If this value is , a provider-specific default value will be used.
sessionPersistence (Optional)
Type: net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace.Objects.LoadBalancersSessionPersistence
A SessionPersistence object defining the session persistence configuration for the load balancer. If this value is , the load balancer will be created with session persistence disabled.
ArgumentNullException If name is .


If protocol is .


If virtualAddresses is .

ArgumentException If name is empty.


If nodes contains any values.


If virtualAddresses is empty.


If virtualAddresses contains any values.


If accessList contains any values.


If metadata contains any values.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException If timeout is negative or Zero.
Version Information

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5

Supported in: 1.6, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3.6
See Also